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The Best Playground Components To Add To Your Custom Playground

Designing a custom playground can be a lot of fun for both children and parents. It is a great way to get the whole family together and create something that everyone can enjoy. When choosing the right playground components, it is important to keep in mind the needs of your children. Each type of equipment has its own benefits, so you want to choose wisely. In this blog post, we will discuss the best types of playground components to add to your custom playground. We will also provide tips on how to choose the right equipment for your needs.

What Are Playground Components?

Before starting to design your playground, it’s important to know what playground components are. Playground components are the different types of equipment that you can add to your playground. They include things like slides, activity panels, and monkey bars. Every type of equipment brings its own set of benefits to the playground. It is important to choose the right mix of components so that your children can get the most out of their playtime.

Types of Playground Components

There are many different types of playground components that you can choose from. Some of the most popular options include:

Activity Panels

Activity panels are a great way to add some variety to your playground. They usually consist of a series of different games and activities that children can do. Activity panels can help improve hand-eye coordination, problem-solving skills, and motor skills.

Adventure Table

Many kids love toys and bring them everywhere they go, including the playground. An adventure table is a large play table that contains a miniature landscape designed just for toys. These are fantastic for imaginative play and can help improve social skills.

Climbing Structures

Climbing structures are perfect for getting children moving. They help build strength and stamina while also providing an opportunity for social interaction. Climbing structures come in many different shapes and sizes, so you can choose one that is right for your playground.

Riding Animals

This type of playground equipment comes in a variety of different animal shapes. Kids can sit on them and bounce back and forth. Riding animals help improve motor skills and can also help with balance and coordination.


Slides need no introduction as they are a favourite among children of all ages. They come in various sizes and shapes, so you can find one that is perfect for your playground. Slides are a fun way of improving your kid’s motor skills, balance and coordination.

These are just some of the different types of playground components that you can choose from. There are many more options available, so be sure to do your research before making a final decision.

Tips For Choosing The Right Playground Components

Now that you know some of the different types of playground components, it’s time to choose the right ones for your needs. Here are a few tips to help you make the best decision:

Consider The Age Group Of Your Children: Different equipment is designed for different age groups. Make sure to choose equipment that is appropriate for your child’s age.

Think About The Size Of Your Playground: You want to make sure that you have enough room for all of the equipment that you want to add.

Choose A Variety Of Components: It is important to have a mix of different equipment types so your children can get the most out of their playtime.

Get Input From Your Children: They are the ones who will be using the playground, so it’s important to get their opinion on what they would like to see.


With these tips and knowledge about the different types of playground components, you are ready to start designing your custom playground. Just remember to have fun and be creative!

If you are ready to get started designing your new custom playground, then contact SPI Plastics today. We would be happy to help you choose the right playground components for your needs!

SPI Plastics Inc.

165 Stoneman Drive, Box 100
(Shouldice Block Road & Joynt Street)
Shallow Lake, ON
N0H 2K0

T   519-935-2211
TF 800-269-6533
F   519-935-2174

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Monday - Thursday: 8am to 4:30pm
Friday: 8am to 4pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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