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How to Get a Playground Built in Your Community

Imagine a place in your community where children can come together to play, laugh, and grow while parents and neighbours connect and build lasting relationships. A playground can be the heart of a neighbourhood, providing a safe and inviting space for families to enjoy. However, getting a playground built in your community can seem like a daunting task at first. With numerous steps involved, from rallying support to securing funding and navigating city regulations, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But don’t worry! In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process of bringing a playground to your community, step by step, so that you can create a vibrant and engaging space for everyone to enjoy. Let’s get started on building a brighter future for our children and neighbourhoods!

#1. Gathering Community Support

Outdoor playgrounds serve as essential spaces for children to engage in physical activity and socialization, and getting community support is crucial. Begin by talking to your neighbours, friends, and local schools about the idea of an outdoor playground. Attend community meetings, distribute flyers, or create social media groups to generate interest and gather ideas. By involving community members from the start, you’ll create a sense of ownership and enthusiasm that will help drive the project forward.

#2. Navigating City Regulations and Permits

Before starting construction on your outdoor playground, ensure you comply with all applicable Canadian regulations, such as the Canadian Standards Association’s guidelines for playground safety. Work closely with your local municipality to obtain necessary permits and approvals. This may involve submitting detailed plans, completing inspections, and adhering to specific construction requirements.

#3. Securing Funding: Exploring Grants, Sponsorships, and Fundraising Options

There are numerous funding options available for outdoor playground projects in Canada. Research federal, provincial, and municipal grants, such as the Canada Healthy Communities Initiative, that support community infrastructure projects. Additionally, seek sponsorships from local businesses and organize fundraising events like bake sales, fun runs, or silent auctions to raise money for your playground.

#4. Forming a Playground Committee

Establish a dedicated playground committee made up of volunteers from your community to oversee the project. Assign roles such as project manager, treasurer, and marketing coordinator to ensure a smooth process. This committee will be responsible for coordinating community input, fundraising efforts and liaising with local authorities and contractors throughout the project.

#5. Finding the Right Location

Choose a location for your outdoor playground that is easily accessible, visible, and safe for all community members. In Canada, consider proximity to schools, parks, and community centers, as well as factors like ground conditions, drainage, and sun exposure. Consult with local authorities to determine any zoning restrictions or requirements.

#6. Designing the Perfect Playground for Your Neighborhood

To create a successful outdoor playground in Canada, consider factors such as local climate, available space, and the ages of children who will use the playground. Research popular playground designs and consult with community members to determine the most desired features. Incorporate elements such as natural play spaces, shade structures, and all-weather surfaces to ensure year-round usability and enjoyment.

A successful outdoor playground should also cater to the diverse needs of its users. Incorporate inclusive design features such as wheelchair-accessible play structures, sensory elements, and age-appropriate equipment. Ensure sustainability by using eco-friendly materials, implementing water conservation measures, and choosing native plants for landscaping.

#7. Choosing the Right Playground Professionals and Equipment

Select experienced Canadian contractors and suppliers who specialize in outdoor playground installations. Request quotes, check references, and review previous projects to ensure they align with your vision. Consider factors such as warranty, maintenance, and durability when selecting playground equipment, and prioritize safety by adhering to Canadian safety standards.

#8. Promoting Safety and Maintenance

Develop a maintenance plan to keep your outdoor playground safe and enjoyable for years to come. Regularly inspect equipment for wear and tear, promptly address any issues, and keep the area clean and free of hazards. Encourage community members to take an active role in maintaining the playground and promoting safe play.

#9. Celebrating Success

Once your outdoor playground is complete, host a grand opening event to celebrate your community’s achievement. Invite local dignitaries, media, and community members to partake in the festivities. Use this opportunity to thank everyone involved in the project and foster a sense of pride and ownership that will ensure the playground remains a cherished community asset for years to come.


Building an outdoor playground in your community is a rewarding endeavour that fosters connections, encourages active play, and strengthens neighbourhood bonds. With careful planning, collaboration, and dedication, you can create a safe, inclusive, and engaging space for children and families to enjoy. If you’re ready to bring your custom playground vision to life, contact the experts at SPI Plastics. With our extensive experience and commitment to quality, we’ll help you design and implement the perfect playground for your community. Don’t wait any longer – reach out to us today and take the first step toward creating a lasting legacy in your neighbourhood!

SPI Plastics Inc.

165 Stoneman Drive, Box 100
(Shouldice Block Road & Joynt Street)
Shallow Lake, ON
N0H 2K0

T   519-935-2211
TF 800-269-6533
F   519-935-2174

Business Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8am to 4:30pm
Friday: 8am to 4pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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