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Deterring Bullying at Your Playground: Tips to Consider

Sadly, bullying is a problem that continues to occur inside the classroom, online, and even outside on the playgrounds. This is an issue that can start young and gradually affect a child’s self-esteem and self-worth as social skills continue to develop. It’s important to pay attention to signs of bullying in and outside of the classroom as children can experience serious stress and trauma as a result of being teased. If you are hoping to design a playground for your school or park we encourage you to do so,

keeping in mind some key elements to help deter bullying from taking place.

What Does Playground Design Have to Do With Bullying?

There is much deliberation in regards to the causes of childhood bullying and with these comes several opinions on the best ways to encourage better behavior. Playground design is usually not a common consideration that is taken into account when discussing bullying.

We think it should be.

When parents consider ways in which they can keep their children protected from teasing, improved supervision often comes to mind and addressing the social concerns that contribute to name-calling, aggression and teasing. Of course these are important to address and developing social skills early on may help to stop bullying, but playground design when done properly, can reduce circumstances where conflict may occur.

Promoting Inclusivity and Safety

Environments that are safe and also feel inclusive are key aspects in stopping bullying activity. If young children learn at a young age how to effectively cooperate and share with other people through playground design that is inviting, they may learn how to deal with other children in a non-aggressive manner. Lack of conflict between children just may keep perpetrators away from the very factors that cause them to target others through bullying.

Encourage Togetherness

Classic playground equipment that includes slides and swings are always a blast for children, however playground components that are in place to offer a more structured form of play can encourage social skill development, as kids can play with one another without sacrificing their creative sides. At SPI, our playgrounds are designed with several components in mind that stimulate each of the senses and encourage social play. We will work with you to design a playground that includes accessories, climbers, panels, roofs, slides, tubes and other playground components.

Removing Differences

Some playgrounds highlight differences among kids and simply “perceived differences” which can definitely lead to conflict. The good news is that it is simply to design a playground that children of all ages and abilities can use; with the right supervision in place as well of course.  By creating a more inclusive playground, removing these differences can help children interact together and get to know each other. This can help bridge some of the gaps that contribute to name-calling and isolation.

Get in touch with our team to discuss with us your playground ideas. We are located in Shallow Lake and provide services to those in the surrounding areas. We will customize your playground to meet your safety requirements and/or concerns. Our goal is to design and build playground components that ensure children are learning, having fun, and developing social skills, interacting in a positive manner!

Call 1-800-269-6533

SPI Plastics Inc.

165 Stoneman Drive, Box 100
(Shouldice Block Road & Joynt Street)
Shallow Lake, ON
N0H 2K0

T   519-935-2211
TF 800-269-6533
F   519-935-2174

Business Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8am to 4:30pm
Friday: 8am to 4pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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