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Cattle Farming 101: The Basics of Caring for Your New Cows

If you’re thinking about cattle farming, then you need to know the basics of caring for your animals. Cows are not like dogs or cats – they have specific care needs in order to stay healthy and happy. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to provide for your cattle. We’ll cover topics such as feeding, cattle waterers, shelter, and more. So if you’re ready to take the plunge into cattle farming, read on!

Nutritional Care

Cattle Feed

One of the most important aspects of caring for your cattle is providing them with a proper diet. Cattle are herbivores, so their diet should consist mostly of grass and hay. You can supplement their diet with grain, but it should not make up more than 20% of their total intake.

It’s also important to provide a mineral block or loose minerals that contain essential nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, and salt. Salt is an especially important mineral for cattle, as it helps them regulate their body temperature and stay hydrated. Make sure to provide a salt block or loose salt at all times, and replenish it when necessary.

Cattle Waterer

Another important part of your cattle’s diet is water. Cattle can drink up to 30 gallons of water per day, so it’s important to have a cattle waterer that can accommodate their needs. There are many different types of cattle waterers available on the market, so you’ll need to choose one that best fits your farm.

SPI Plastic has a variety of sizes of cattle waterers so no matter how many cows you plan to purchase, we have the perfect one for you. Ours also have rounded corners that prevent cows from harming themselves.

Shelter Care


When it comes to shelter, your cattle will need a barn or some sort of enclosed structure. The barn should be large enough to accommodate all of your cows, and it should have enough ventilation to prevent the build-up of methane gas. You’ll also need to provide bedding for your cattle, such as straw or hay.


In addition to a barn, your cattle will also need access to a pasture. The pasture should be large enough for them to roam freely, and it should have plenty of grass and other vegetation. If you live in an area with extreme weather conditions, you may need to provide additional shelter for your cattle in the form of a windbreak or shade structure.


No matter what type of shelter you provide for your cattle, it’s important to have a fence that will keep them contained. Cattle are curious animals, and they may wander off if given the opportunity. There are many different types of fences available, so you’ll need to choose one that best fits your needs.

Health Care


Cattle are susceptible to many different diseases, so it’s important to vaccinate them against common illnesses. Some of the most common vaccinations include those for bovine viral diarrhea, bovine respiratory syncytial virus, and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis. Your veterinarian can help you create a vaccination schedule that’s right for your cattle.

Be Aware of Common Health Issues

In addition to vaccinations, you also need to be aware of common health issues that can affect your cattle. Some of the most common problems include bloat, eye infections, respiratory problems, foot rot and parasites. If you notice any changes in your cattle’s behaviour or appearance, be sure to contact your veterinarian right away.

Other Things to Consider

Type of Breed

When choosing a cattle breed, you should consider the climate in which you live and the type of pasture you have available. Some breeds are better suited for cold weather, while others do better in warm climates.

Size of Operation

The size of your operation will also play a role in the type of cattle you choose. If you only have a small farm, then you may want to choose a smaller breed.

Local Regulations

Before starting a cattle farm, be sure to check with your local regulations to see what’s allowed in your area. There may be restrictions on the number of cows you can have or the type of housing you can provide.

Proper Equipment

Last but not least, you’ll need to have the proper equipment to care for your cattle. This includes things like a tractor, feeders, waterers, and handling facilities. If you don’t have the right equipment, then it will be difficult to properly care for your cattle.


Now that you know the basics of caring for your new cows, you can get started on your very own cattle farm! Just be sure to do your research and always consult with a veterinarian if you have any questions. With proper care and management, your cattle will thrive and provide you with years of enjoyment.

Need cattle waterers? SPI Plastics has the perfect solution for your farm. Our cattle waterers are durable, easy to use, and perfect for any size operation. Contact us today to learn more!

SPI Plastics Inc.

165 Stoneman Drive, Box 100
(Shouldice Block Road & Joynt Street)
Shallow Lake, ON
N0H 2K0

T   519-935-2211
TF 800-269-6533
F   519-935-2174

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Monday - Thursday: 8am to 4:30pm
Friday: 8am to 4pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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